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How to Get Rid of Msn and Domain_7

Is there no longer a I am so confused. I sign into hotmail and it automatically sends me to It would not take my old password, so I had to change it. But, there is nothing in the account. How do you retrieve information that was in This is crazy!!How can I get my messages from my old account or is this really something that has happened. Is there no longer a MSN or is this a joke of some kind.

It's no joke.

Microsoft continues a long history of confusing the heck out of us with the names they choose for their services, and then changing those names as they go along. is what we once knew as Hotmail, which was also called "MSN Hotmail" and was also "Windows Live Hotmail". That's relatively easy, albeit confusing. But there's more to it than that.

For the record: none of this involves losing any email. That's something else entirely.

Hotmail begat MSN Hotmail begat Windows Live Hotmail

The email service we typically refer to as Hotmail was originally called … Hotmail.

More correctly, it was called HoTMaiL — note the capitalization — a bizarre kind of reverse acronym mash-up referencing HTML mail. The moniker "Hotmail" is what stuck.

After purchasing Hotmail, Microsoft integrated it with their burgeoning line of on-line services, and branded them all with "MSN" – the MicroSoft Network. Thus, what we used to call "Hotmail" was technically renamed as "MSN Hotmail". Most people kept on calling it "Hotmail". At the same time, MSN Hotmail was integrated, or at least associated, with a number of other MSN branded services, like Instant Messenger, the homepage, and more.

Hotmail Then Microsoft decided to de-emphasize "MSN", and replaced it with the "Windows Live" brand. Hotmail, (known as "MSN Hotmail") was renamed "Windows Live Hotmail". At the same time, Microsoft allowed people to create email addresses not only on, but,, and a few other Microsoft-owned domains as well.

While the email service remained "Hotmail" in name, the domains that appeared in your browser's address bar went through even more changes. takes you to URLs based on,, and others (and for a while — Microsoft's original attempt to use your Microsoft email address as "one account for everything").

Hotmail became MSN Hotmail which then became Windows Live Hotmail. Same service, just three different names over time.

And then things changed again.

Everything begat

The most recent and massive change was Microsoft's switch to as a brand to completely replace and any other free email services they provided.

What was once Hotmail, by any of its previous names, is now is the service you now use to access your email, or, for that matter, almost any Microsoft email address, including,,, and probably many others, not to mention itself. New email addresses are available only as email addresses.

Important: and the Outlook email program (which comes with Microsoft Office) are two different and unrelated things. One — — is an online email service, and the other — Microsoft Office Outlook — is an email program you install on your PC. Microsoft seems to remain committed to giving things exceptionally confusing names.

Missing Email?

If you're missing email, there's something else going on. None of the name changes above should result in any lost email, period. It's just a name (and user interface) change.

Unfortunately, I do hear of missing email from time to time, not necessarily in conjunction with a name change. Here's what I've seen as a cause:

  • Temporary failures: You may not get a message at all, but check in again in, say, 24 hours. Your email may magically have reappeared.
  • Silent account hacks: There are account compromises where the hacker doesn't change your password, so you can still log in, but they do wreak havoc on your account. Change your password — and everything else that might be used to recover your password — immediately.
  • Traditional account hack: You indicated you had to reset your password to regain access to your account. This feels very much like a situation where a hacker has gotten into your account, changed your password, and deleted your email.

It might make sense to visit the support forums to see if others are experiencing the same problems, or to post your own experience with the hope of getting some help.

Ultimately, however, I do have to fall back on my standard position regarding free email accounts: if your email disappears, I believe it's extremely unlikely you'll ever get it back.

I hope you had it backed up somewhere.

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